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Ad Focus or Forced View Ad, At least minimize the clicker's burden

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Ad Focus or Forced View Ad, At least minimize the clicker's burden Empty Ad Focus or Forced View Ad, At least minimize the clicker's burden

Post  admin Thu 23 Jun 2016 - 22:52

It is now a trend on PTC sites to use the ad focus or forced view ad scheme. This is to prevent the clicker from shifting from tab to tab or from window to window while clicking simultaneously on several or many sites. In other words, the clicker lacks interest or ignoring to view or focus or read what's in store inside the offers for the sake of the click earning value. The timer will either freeze and resumes only when you came back or will just expire to compel you to go back to the ads listing page and repeat the clicking process. So if you're using many sites probably you will wonder for how long it will take to finish your clicking.

Why sites doing this? They say to give quality views to the offers of the advertisers. I agree at least at this point, but what about the users' interest? However, i end my discussion here because a pure clicker and an advertiser are very much different horizontally and vertically. Truth is in PTC they need each other very badly because if there's no advertiser there's no ads to click and if there's no clicker who's going to view the ads?

Instead, i will discuss on how to at least minimize the burden and finish the job sooner. However, if all your sites are in ad focus scheme, then there's nothing you can do but to use it by one to another.

First, identify the ad focus and the non-ad focus sites.

Second, group sites in four or five depends on you with just one ad focus site in each group.

Third, make a bookmark folder of each group and name it with whatever you want (ex. PTCGroup1, PTCGroup2... and so on) and set them to your bookmarks toolbar if you're using firefox it has a multi bookmark toolbar add-on you can find it on their website.

Fourth, open each group in separate windows note please that overdoing this may cause your browser to crash so for me two or three open windows is ideal. You can also try to use different browsers, but do not experiment simultaneous log in on same site because this can cause an issue with your account.

Fifth, start the clicking first on the non-ad focus sites then end and stay with the ad focus one until you're done then shift to the other window and repeat the process. This depends on you now on how or when to interchange from tab to tab and from window to window to complete the clicking process and get credited.

There, maybe this can help you. I hope.

Happy clicking.
EET Administrator
EET Administrator

Philippines Country : Philippines Join Date : 2015-08-15 male User Reputation : 15 Activity Points : 185 Posts Count : 62

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